Finques Gràcia Centre; experts in apartment rental management

At Finques Gracia Centre, we not only help you find and rent your ideal apartment, but we also assist you in the comprehensive management of the rental. In this article we explain how we can facilitate the entire process of rent from your floor in Sabadell.

estancia exterior con sofá y cojines

Specialized rental management services

We offer comprehensive rental management, ensuring that the entire process is smooth and hassle-free. We take care of all the details, from the promotion of your property to the signing of the contract. This includes the coordination of visits, for which we prepare your apartment to make the best possible impression on potential tenants.

Before each visit, we advise you on how to prepare and clean your apartment so that it looks impeccable. This includes suggestions on depersonalizing the space, deep cleaning, organization, and small fixes that may be necessary. Our goal is for potential tenants to fall in love with your property at first sight.

mesa de madera y preparada

Order and cleanliness: the basis of everything

Before receiving visitors, be sure to thoroughly clean the floor. Vacuum and mop the floors, clean the windows and make sure there is no dust on the surfaces. Pay special attention to corners, closets and less visible areas, since potential tenants can inspect every detail.

estancia interior rústica

So that visitors can imagine themselves living in the apartment, it is important to depersonalize the space. Put away family photos, personal belongings and anything that could be distracting. The idea is to create a blank canvas that allows potential tenants to visualize their own belongings in the apartment.

Presentation of the spaces

Clutter can make a space look smaller and less inviting. Organize all spaces and eliminate any unnecessary objects. Cabinets and drawers should also be tidy, as visitors may want to see how much storage space is available in your floor of rent in Sabadell.

Adequate lighting

Good lighting can do wonders in any space. Open curtains and blinds to let in natural light and turn on all lights during your visit. If any room has little natural light, consider adding additional lamps to improve lighting.

Pleasant aroma and lots of ventilation

A smelly apartment can be a big inconvenience for potential tenants. Before your visit, ventilate all rooms well to ensure the air is fresh and clean.

Use soft and pleasant fragrances to give a feeling of freshness to the floor. Avoid strong or artificial odors that may be annoying. Scented candles or an essential oil diffuser can be a good option.

Home rental with Finques Gracia Center

Rent the house of your dreams with the expert management we offer at Finques Gracia